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Saying "No" to Say "Yes"

Being True to Yourself to Attract What You Want

By Robin Arnett

A Place of "Yes"

We often hear that being in a place of "yes" is important for attracting what we want. The energy of "this or something better" helps facilitate flow and welcomes abundance. 

But as we advance in our healing journey, saying "no" can be equally important. "No" helps us to get clear on what we do and don't want. It also gives us permission to set boundaries and ask for more.  

Tuning Out Intuition

Pretending to be happy with something that isn’t right for us shuts down our intuition. We often fake it when we're clinging to what’s comfortable and known. When change is scary, inconvenient, or uncomfortable, we may tell ourselves that we’re happy when we're not. 

Ignoring or subverting our feelings exiles parts of us that need to be heard. Your intuition will let you know when something is happening that isn't healthy or in your highest good. Saying no bravely honors those voices.

Saying "No" with Love

Saying "no" can take many forms. I can look like setting a boundary in an unhealthy relationship dynamic, or passing on a job, even if it's the practical choice on paper. It can also mean taking time to rest and slow down. Saying "no" is an active response when it's done with intention. 

Practice saying "no" in small, concrete ways. Cleaning out your closet connects you to a powerful energy of release and openness. Tossing leftovers from a meal that you didn't actually enjoy and making something fresh for yourself does the same thing. Both of these actions push against the energy of grasping, and help you lean into abundance. 

Opening to More

Saying "no" is an act of faith. By saying "no" to what doesn’t feel right to us or doesn’t serve us, we are telling the Universe that we have faith that something even better is coming. We are willing to wait for what’s actually right. By saying "no," we create space and time for good things to come in, and we preserve our energy for what we really want to do. It’s amazing how much can free up and simplify when we let go. 

Faith is a high-vibe energy. Listen to your gut, take risks, and don’t be afraid to say "no" to what doesn’t feel right. The Universe will show up for you on the other side.

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