Individual Therapy

People come to me when they are ready to make a big change. Sometimes we hit a wall in our healing journey. Maybe you’ve been doing therapy for years, but there’s something that still needs to break through.

If this feels like where you’re finding yourself, I can help.

Who I Work With

I work specifically with female-identified clients who relate to the idea of being a highly-sensitive person, or HSP. Being a sensitive woman in our world can be a traumatizing experience in and of itself. Beyond that, HSPs often play the role of the scapegoat in abusive family systems, simply because they’re more aware of what’s going on. 

Please know that there is nothing wrong with how you were made. I want to help you find your power, connect to your intuition, and step into embracing yourself exactly as you are.

How I Work

The modalities that I specialize in are meant to help you push through blocks in ways that traditional talk therapy can’t. My expertise is in integrating EMDR, Internal Family Systems therapy or IFS, and Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy, or KAP. I also commonly reference cultural influences like capitalism and the patriarchy, which are part of our collective experience, and often our collective and individual trauma. Healing involves confronting all of the ways that we have been shaped, and the forces that may have dimmed our light.

EMDR is a highly evidence-based modality that uses bilateral stimulation of the brain to tap into our natural psychological healing process. Learn more about EMDR here.

Internal Family Systems (IFS)
Internal Family Systems therapy helps us to connect with our internal “parts,” including our inner children, and our core Self. It helps to de-pathologize coping strategies that may have started to get in the way, and is steeped in self-compassion. Learn more about IFS here.

Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP)
KAP is an incredible way to go even deeper with your healing, and is a natural fit with EMDR and IFS. Learn more here about how we can work together with KAP.

Evidenced-Based “Woo-woo”
EMDR, IFS, and KAP are all highly evidence-based, but they also tap into spirituality. Although I don’t work from a specific religious standpoint, I do believe that working with a higher power is fundamental to healing. 

I am a certified reiki master, and I love to bring energy work into session when the timing is right. I lean into the spiritual side of healing work because this is where I believe we can break through our walls.

How We Can Meet

I offer traditional individual counseling, as well as “intensives,” which are longer sessions that get into deeper material. Learn more about intensives here. Sometimes you need more than an hour to get to the places where healing lives. I currently offer online sessions for residents of Colorado and Oregon.

If this approach resonates for you, reach out to schedule a free consultation.

One Client's Experience
“When I began working with Robin several years ago, I was struggling with issues surrounding past trauma. Because of what happened to me, I was struggling to listen to my intuition. I was having difficulty identifying what my boundaries were and I felt lost and uncomfortable embracing who I am as a person. With Robin's guidance and support over the past several years, I have been able to begin to listen to and trust my intuition and learn about how to set and maintain boundaries. Most importantly, Robin has helped me understand who I am as a highly sensitive person and begin to embrace who I am and see it as my superpower rather than a flaw. With Robin's unwavering support, I now feel more like myself and much more confident in how I show up in the world.” - Carly